How To Remove Dog Hair From Clothes

If you're a pet owner, then chances are you're no stranger to finding hair on just about everything. The stuff can be insidious, and removing it from your clothes and furniture can be quite an uphill battle.

Luckily, there are a few easy ways that you can get dog hair out of your clothes and other fabrics. There are also a few guidelines you can follow to combat loose pet hair in general. Keeping your home clean can help cut down on allergens and improve air quality.

Keep reading to find details on how to remove dog hair from your clothes, as well as general information on excess pet hair removal.

The Importance Of Removing Pet Hair

Do any members of your family suffer from allergies? Allergies can manifest in a variety of ways, including fatigue, runny or itchy eyes and noses, rashes on the skin, and even anaphylactic shock. Allergies triggered by pet dander can be less severe but still annoying.

Nobody wants to constantly sneeze or touch their eyes in their own house. The best way to improve the quality of the air in your home is to remove pet hair and dander.

How To Remove Pet Hair With A Lint Roller

Perhaps the most common method for removing pet hair from clothing is with a lint roller. These can be found in the cleaning sections of most grocery or department stores, and consist of a sticky roll of paper around a plastic rod.

Using a lint roller is fairly simple: just roll the thing across your clothes to remove dust, hair, and other contaminants. If you have more pet hair that is deeply ingrained with the fabric, you may need to use other methods to properly remove pet hair.

Other Methods To Remove Pet Hair

There are a few other methods you can use to keep your clothing and other fabrics free of pet hair:

Special Dryer Sheets

There are specialized dryer sheets available specifically for removing pet hair. They attract pet hair, and can be thrown into your dryer along with your clothes in order to draw pet hair out of the fabric.

Wool Dryer Balls

Wool dryer balls are reusable balls of wool that can be thrown in the dryer along with your hairy clothes. The balls will improve airflow during the drying process, and soften your fabrics to loosen pet hair and make it easier for hair to be removed.

Fabric Brushes

Lint rollers can be a terrific alternative, but some types of clothing respond better to fabric brushes. The most advanced fabric brushes have built-in fur removers that make cleaning the brush a snap.


If you have no other tools at your disposal, you can use tape to remove dog hair or cat hair. Simply roll the tape sticky-side out around your hand. Your hand can then be brushed across clothing to grab and remove pet hair, similar to a brush or lint roller.

Your Dryer

Believe it or not, if you have a lot of pet hair, lint, and similar things all over your clothes, throwing them in the dryer before you wash them can help remove the bulk of the hair before you actually wash your hair covered clothes.

Dog Clothes

Dog's clothes can prevent access to the skin for irritable or allergic canines, decreasing chewing, licking, and scratching. Additionally, a shirt can act as a barrier around your dog, potentially reducing shedding of hair onto clothes, furniture, and pet bedding.

Make Sure To Keep Your Washer and Dryer Clean

To prevent pet hair on your clothes, it's critical to maintain a clean washing machine and dryer as much as possible.

Make it a practice to frequently wipe down the inside of your washing machine and dryer. To ensure that your washer is exceptionally clean, you can even run a brief rinse cycle in the washing machine without anything in it.

Before each load, make sure to clean the dryer's lint trap. It would even be a good idea to pause the dryer cycle midway through if you have a particularly hairy load. This will allow you to properly clean the lint trap.

When the trap is not in use, it's a good idea to vacuum it sometimes to get rid of any remaining hair, lint, or debris.

Final Thoughts

While the aforementioned advice will certainly assist you in removing dog hair from your clothing, you might also wish to address the issue at its root. You won't have to work as hard to remove dog hair from your clothes if you can lessen the amount of dog hair that is present in your home.

The hair that might otherwise be shed later is removed when you regularly bathe your dog. If simple bathing doesn't work, try incorporating an anti-shedding shampoo into your dog's regular bathing routine.